“It's a state of mind. A trance. Another plateau of existence.”

"Yes, i go to Berghain. Its fucking awesome. Experience there? Fucking awesome. Tips on getting in? There is no tips, if you don't show up there looking calm and collected, ready to dance for 24 hours, unjudgemental of others, and ready to think everything you feel, see and, hear is going to be fucking awesome, you're not going to get in."...

"Sure, there were people having sex around me, but to me, at that moment in time, it was just beautiful. I remembering going out in sweatpants and hoodies, because if you dressed up more, people would notice as if something was wrong with you. Everybody was equal and that was really beautiful, no matter how you dressed. Nobody cared and that’s what kept me here.”...

“I am overwhelmed with feelings of a calm happiness and contentment. Dancing. Feeling the music. Touching my friends. Being touched. In a moment of self observation and awareness I realize how happy I feel, smiling ear to ear.”...